Sunday, May 9, 2010

Produce CSA Box - Week 1

By now, y'all have had your first Produce CSA box. I hope you are enjoying all the fresh veggies and fruit. I am sorry to take so long to post but we have been scrambling to get some irrigation installed in one of the main gardens. We've spent much of the last week running irrigation pipe under the road, digging trenches, laying out drip tape, etc. The Romaine lettuce and the cabbages were looking pretty bad, flopped. It just seems that we are in a very bad dry pattern. The first batch of stringbeans didn't germinate well, so we are replanting since we've got irrigation installed. We have a lot to plant this week.

Anyway, if you weren't aware one of the greens that you most likely had in your box this week was tatsoi. It looks and tastes like spinach. The stem is a little different. The lettuces were beautiful this week and I hope you are enjoying lots of salads. We've been eating strawberries on our salad with a balsamic vinegarette.

Please note that we picked the berries ripe on Wednesday afternoon for the weekly boxes and immediately put them into the walk-in cooler at 38 degrees. The CSA boxes were very full this week. We couldn't even close the lids. We do endeavor to try and not squish any strawberries.
In your box, you have some white root veggies. They are Hakauri turnips. Also, I found this nice article today on the NY Times website on roasting radishes. The thought had never crossed my mind. But they suggest butter and salt. They say it changes the whole flavor profile. So, I am going to roast some tomorrow night w/ a roasted chicken and grilled asparagus. Here is the article: